Amat Hub is online! Disclosure and interplay with Amat’s international project - AMAT

Amat Hub is online! Disclosure and interplay with Amat’s international project


Amat Hub, Amat’s digital online platform for sharing and diffusion of musical culture, is online. A free space for artists and composers, an instrument to extend the international artistic network Amat started. However, it is also a free space for the users, who have now the possibility to listen to different artistic compositions, read the history and details of the pieces, comment and also vote for it. In a few words, the user will have the chance to get in touch with the musicians. Amat Hub is a project designed to strengthen the community that shares Amat’s values and to treasure the possibility that the new technologies offer.

“Through this project” – states Francesca Lazzaroni, Project Manager di Amat, – “we want to create real sharing: the digital technologies should be considered as an important tool for culture and for human relationships, although at a distance, and not an end in itself. They represent, and the same is this project, a powerful communication and dissemination tool that can reach everyone.”

Amat Hub opens today, October 15, with the online review of the Femfestival: more than 140 pieces from composers from all over the world will be available to users. A global network of women composers in order to give more visibility to their work. On occasion of the Femfestival, Amat launches, through the platform, also a contest: each song can be voted by the users and the most appreciated one will be announced on November 30.
