Amat Lab: the artistic workshop of Amat - AMAT

Amat Lab: the artistic workshop of Amat


Amat inaugurates its new project directed to young musicians, Amat Lab, an artistic experience where Professors of long career and qualified tutors guide young people in a path to strengthen professionalism and competences.

The Lab project is possible thanks to the collaboration of some professionals of the Unconventional Orchestra of Amat, who create an inclusive reality of collaboration and experimentation, with the direction of Concetta Anastasi and the support of Lucia Maggi. The entrance to the Lab is open to all young musicians, because Amat is convinced that professionalism is acquired over time, with a training and working path. The aim is for young people to achieve a solid professionalism that will allow them to become part of the Unconventional Orchestra or other symphonic, opera and chamber music ensembles.

In addition to the orchestral section, the workshop also includes a vocal ensemble section and other workshops linked to the entertainment and music sector, such as the creative writing of listening guides, technology and social communication. Amat has just concluded agreements with some Tuscan training institutes, in order to address the Lab’s activities also to the students of the Academic Institutions. 
Now more than ever, Amat wants to reiterate that music is a profession and artistic production as a whole can be an efficient industry that creates value for the benefit of society. To this end, it is necessary to help young people and guide them along their path, in order to then cultivate and enhance the emerging professionalism.

The Lab’s inaugural event will be the streaming of Benjamin Britten’s Simple Symphony and Concetta Anastasi’s unpublished Poema, both for string orchestra, scheduled for 11 April at 6.30 pm. It will be possible to access the live performance from the Amat YouTube channel or directly from the streaming page of the Amat website.


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