Amat Members - AMAT

The Amat Members

Francesca Lazzeroni

Project management and administration

I am founder and manager of Amat. I graduated in Choir Direction, Choral Composition and Opera Singing, pursuing a career in the arts. Then I started, almost for fun, to take care of setting up and organising musical projects, and I became passionate about this activity, especially because it gave me the opportunity to meet a lot of people, to study and to grow in various fields, collaborating with social and cultural organisations. 

I continued by studying musical entrepreneurship at the Accademia della Scala, where I became convinced that this activity would always complement the artistic one. My intense work as a cultural entrepreneur is supported by a strong passion for music and continuous improvement through collaboration with my colleagues, my comrades in this adventure.

I am deeply convinced that the strength of a cultural enterprise lies in the beauty of the content it conveys and in the human relationships it is able to build. In short, I believe in a dynamic idea of culture, which becomes a business, not only to sustain itself, but also to grow in value and in its ability to create wealth for society, both immaterial and concrete.

Concetta Anastasi

Artistic Direction

I was born musician. I’m not saying this as a joke, since at the age of four, after hearing a small piece on the piano, I went home fully convinced that when I grew up I would do this job!

That’s how it was: first pianist, then composer, choir and orchestra conductor, passing through Naples, Pescara, Rome, Siena… I have been teaching in Italian conservatories for years, and after wandering through many different regions and venues from south to north, I finally stopped in Florence, at the “Luigi Cherubini” Conservatory, where I have been teaching choir conducting and choral composition since 2002.

I started writing music at the age of 16; first for piano, then, encouraged by the lively artistic environment of Naples in my youth, with the most varied formations, I reached the opera.

Orchestral conducting is another passion of mine. How I got to my first conducting course is a long story, and who knows, maybe one day I will tell you…
For years, together with Francesca Lazzeroni, we have been carrying out unconventional artistic projects, producing musical works and musical theatre under the banner of the contamination of styles and eras.

Being an active part of Amat means giving value and consistency to one’s own ideas, which are visionary ideas in a society like ours that finds it hard to recognise the rightful place that art and culture occupy in the growth and well-being of human beings.

Creating music, shaping it, performing it and sharing it with others is not so different from building an object and putting it on the market; what makes the difference is the quality of the product and its ability to make people feel good, both those who participate in the creation and those who enjoy it!

Costanza Renai

Planning and Public Relations

Singing and making music has always been my passion, an amusement and an hobby, a consolation on grey days. In the eighth grade, while holding my guitar, I sang for the first time in front of a real audience. I loved it! I continued to do it for pleasure until I realised that I wanted to discover more about this mysterious instrument that is the voice, and my first encounter with opera was a thunderbolt.

After a year of lessons at my local school, I prepared for admission to the Conservatory and the dream became reality! My training continued between Florence and Rome, trying to learn and make my own the secrets of the ‘great ones’. 

I have always had a constant thought: managing to combine artistic and teaching activities, since teaching gives you the opportunity to come into close contact with others, a unique opportunity to enrich each other.

Being an opera singer today is the challenge of reaching an audience that is not only made up of “experts”, of being acknowledged by society thanks to the ability of music to innovate and contaminate itself. The meeting with Francesca Lazzeroni took place at school, or rather in the scenic arts classroom, and over the years we have consolidated an alliance that is not only musical.  

Being part of Amat today is therefore the prosecution of something that began a long time ago, with the desire to challenge oneself and to experiment languages capable of communicating with today’s world.
