CNA awards Amat - AMAT

CNA awards Amat


Amat received a special mention for “inclusiveness and solidarity” during the provincial finals of the Cambiamenti 2022 Award from CNA, the National Confederation of Craftsmen and Small and Medium Enterprises.

This significant recognition is also due to the deep connection between Amat and the Tuscan territory. Projects and creative ideas are born and developed between the walls of Siena and Florence, and many of the shows and projects are based in these two cities.

Amat aims to bring new generations closer to the world of culture and is creating a new, more accessible and inclusive way to enjoy it. Although Amat is expanding internationally, reaching the Big Apple beyond the ocean, it is still Tuscany that is the keeper of the company’s major and ambitious projects.

An award, therefore, that is also a symbol of the professional bond between our enterprise and its territory.
