The Unconventional Singers, as part of the “Florentine Summer” (Estate Fiorentina) events organised by the Municipality of Florence, on the day of the city festival of San Giovanni, 24 June, offer an evening of “street music” starting at 21.00, dedicated to three Florentine authors, between past and present.
In the first part the flamenco melodies on texts by Garcia Lorca immerse the spectator in the hot Andalusian summers, with the gypsy atmosphere of the Romancero for guitar and voices by Castelnuovo-Tedesco.
In the second part, the pungent poetry of Michelangelo Buonarroti il Giovane on the habits of 17th century Florentines is brought up to date by Luigi Dallapiccola’s music, which underlines its irony, with the two choirs of Malammogliate and Malmaritati for six a cappella voices.
On the guitar Francesco Ciampalini. The Unconventional Singers are Costanza Renai, Francesca Lazzeroni, Floriano D’Auria, Claudio Giovani, Tommaso Corvaja, Dielli Hoxha, conducted by Concetta Anastasi. The narrating voice of Paola Benocci will lead the audience through this journey between poetry and music, revealing some curiosities and telling anecdotes related to them. Audio project by Mattia Giovannini. The programme with curiosities and additional content will be available on the streaming page of the Amat website.
Some excerpts of the event will be broadcast live on Amat’s Instagram and Facebook channels.