femfestival 2021 - AMAT

The femfestival

Support the femfestival with a donation

Support the activities of the femfestival with a donation.

Contribute to the dissemination of women’s music and to promote the work of women composers. Every contribution, even the smallest, will be useful. 

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"Women Composers" Competition

open to women from all over the world and all ages

With the femfestival we were able to map a large part of the globe: each point indicates the country of origin of one or more female composers.

Winners of "Women Composers" Competition 2021

Category A:
1) Shibert Larisa – The space 
2) Maeng Sara – Cosmos 

3) Mozhgan Chahian – Hoordokht 
3) Yue Song – Who would have the courage to carry such a heavy past with us? 

Category B:
1) Hsu Chia-yu – EC Sketches 
2) Arditto Cecilia – A propos of measuring a mobil
3) Gambelli Francesca – In this short life

Special Orchestra Prize (for the piece that the orchestra found most interesting, both from a technical and an expressive point of view): it goes to Mozhgan Chahian.

A tea with composers

Anna Menichetti (Radio Rai3) and Chiara Dino (Corriere della Sera) meet, for a tea, some famous female composers: Concetta Anastasi, Sonia Bo and Patrizia Montanaro. They will talk about their experience and  about the role women have, today,  in composition and conducting. Francesca Lazzeroni will also discuss about the theme of female entrepreneurship in the artistic-cultural field and about Amat’s projects for women in music.Musical performances by female composers will alternate during the conversation.

The event is part of the “L’Eredità delle Donne” Festival.

femfestival Hub

Send us your composition (or even more) with a brief description of it.

The pieces will be uploaded in Mp3 format on our online sharing platform and it will participate in an audience contest. The winning song will be announced on the 30th November 2021 and will receive a prize.
The audience contest conducted in October and November resulted in two winners:

-Corinne Latteur (1st place winner).

-Simona Iuorio (2nd classified)

Composition Today

COMPOSITION TODAY. AROUND THE WORLD WITH THE JURORS: interviews with some members of the International Jury of the "Women Composers" Competition conducted by Anna Menichetti (Radio Rai 3). On our YouTube and social channel, at 5 p.m. (Italian time)

femfestival time line


  • COCOLAB: an experimental workshop of collaboration and contamination between Italian women composers, Amat musicians and a composer from Burkina Faso.
  • MUSIC AND FASHION: the designer Marta Montanelli is creating a line of fashion accessories branded femfestival and inspired by the songs featured in the 2021 edition. In this way the femfestival creates connection between the various artistic, craft and entrepreneurial sectors, to feed the network of creativity and circulate ideas.

femfestival press review

  • Femfestival Play Press Release – Final concert of the international women’s composition festival. Go to the release.
  • Francesca Lazzeroni interviewed by Rete Toscana Classica in the program “Cronache musicali” by Luca Berni. Listen to the podcast.
  • “A tea with composers”, a femfestival event, within the “Florence women’s heritage”. Read the article.
  • Amat and the femfestival narrated by Cristina Giachi, Councillor of the Tuscany Region (RTC), in Rete Toscana Classica. Listen to the podcast
  • Huffington Post talks about the femfestival ‘Valuing women in music’. Read the article
  • The femfestival described by Barbara Rettagliati, in an interview with Radiotelevisione Svizzera (RSI). Listen to the interview (femfestival at minute 14:20).
  • Radio Rai 3, in the program “Qui comincia” presented by Anna Menichetti, has talked about Amat and the femfestival project. Listen to the podcast (femfestival at minute 38). 
  • Il giornale della musica, gdm, dedicated an article to the femfestival, in particular to the  “Women Composers” Competition. Read the article

"Women Composers" competition Jury

Kozhevnikova Ekaterina Vadimovna, Jury President



Concetta Anastasi


Caterina Calderoni


Linda Dusman


Katharina Nohl


Barbara Rettagliati 
Adeline Wong


Why participate in the femfestival?

  • Building a global network 
  • Overcoming the gender gap
  • Visibility through social media
  • Interaction with the audience
  • Multicultural workshops
  • Cultural and artistic growth

Creativity is feminine.



The femfestival is a project aimed to overcome the gender gap and to enhance the contribution
of women
in the field of music composition by activating a global and multicultural network of female artists.

It is a musical festival for women composers from all over the world. In the past, little space have women had in composition and conducting, but in recent years this started to change; and it is fundamental that this positive trend continues also in the generations to come.


The planned activities and workshops are also designed to facilitate collaboration between female composers, encouraging the development of multicultural contributions. This year, a scholarship will be offered to an African artist who will be hosted in Florence and participate in the composition laboratory activities. We believe that today, more than ever, it is essential open up cultural frontiers and have the courage to broaden our artistic horizons.

Femfestival artistic team

Francesca Lazzeroni

mezzo-soprano, choir conductor, choral composer

Concetta Anastasi

composer, pianist, orchestra and choir conductor, professor at the L. Cherubini Conservatory in Florence

Barbara Rettagliati

composer, pianist, professor at the L. Cherubini Conservatory in Florence 

Personal website

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