Unconventional Singers from Siena to New York - AMAT

Unconventional Singers from Siena to New York


The vocal group of Amat, the Siena music organisation, performed with great success in the American temple of music, the Lincoln Center in New York. A packed hall, with the backdrop of Manhattan skyscrapers, welcomed the seven Italian artists with warmth, emotion and enthusiasm. A show conceived and constructed by the Unconventional Singers especially for the Big Apple, a mix of Italian and international music, for the most part arranged by the group for voices only. Together for two years now, the Unconventional started during the pandemic with the streaming web series “Decamerone Musicale”, tackling all kinds of repertoire and reinterpreting it with contemporary eyes and a pinch of irony: madrigal, opera, musical, operetta, with forays into pop, rock and film music.

“To be able to bring our idea of music to the Big Apple,” says Francesca Lazzeroni on behalf of the whole group, “was a dream that went beyond our own expectations. Now we are here and we continue on this path, infinitely grateful to those who wanted us and made this possible’.

In the summer a new date for the Singers in Siena.
